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Administrative Shift Packages

This past year, USN has undergone major administrative changes with the appointment of a new Head of School, the departure of our old Head of High School, and the creation of new administrative positions (such as Director of Safety and Security). Given our relatively small staff size and my young writers' affinity other topics, I was left to cover the majority of these changes. One article deals with the unveiling of a new Strategic Planning Initiative. Writing that article, I had to pay close attention to how I could concisely and clearly explain complex administrative shifts to my peers. The second article deals with the appointment of our new Director of Safety and Security. In that article, I had to make sure I conveyed to my peers Captain Walsh's familiarity with our school and her intentions to make it safer while still retaining student autonomy. The third article is a co-write that deals with the promotion of our Head of High School. My co-editor and I had to navigate explaining a position that had just been created that year to our peers, and how it could potentially change USN's K-12 dynamic.

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